5th October 2024

Tickets on sale August.

Mellow in the Yellow (MITY) is an annual event that celebrates Australian farming communities by hosting a day out in a flowering canola crop. The funds raised are distributed into various community incentives that aim to strengthen the health and well-being of farmers and their farming communities as well as encouraging conversations around mental health.

$94,000 is the amount MITY has donated towards various community incentives over the past 9 years.

$7,000 is the amount MITY has donated towards Sober in the Country, a national charity creating radical social change and saving the lives of rural and remote Australians affected by alcohol harm.

$25,000 is the amount MITY has donated to Ararat based, One Red Tree. A resource centre committed to delivering compassionate and inclusive training and mental health services to rural communities.

$20,000 is the amount MITY has donated towards the National Centre for Farmer Health.

$19,810 is the amount MITY has donated towards rural schools, Buangor, Elmhurst, Maroona, Moyston, Pomonal and Willaura to complete the Ararat Resilience Project.

$10,000 is the amount MITY donated to the Rural Outreach Program, enabling them to deliver their services to our community in 2021. The extent of their support varied from being accessible to community members who needed support during difficult times. They also visited community groups: Tatyoon FNC and the Skipton FNC and they delivered Mental Health First Aid Workshops in Lake Bolac and Buangor.

Over 411 rural students have benefited from the Resilience Project in our area since 2020. We are proud to say another 43 rural students will benefit from the Resilience Project in 2024. The project’s aim is to be proactive by developing positive mental and emotional health from the early years.

Over 80 people have been trained in Mental Health First Aid, consisting of agricultural professionals and community volunteers; including sporting club and CFA representatives and representatives from our valued sponsor’s organisations.

3 Farming Women’s Health Workshops have been facilitated by MITY with over 90 women attending.

Above all, over the years MITY has enabled hundreds of attendees to have a fun social outing, which has a profound impact on our mental wellbeing.

The event:

12.30 pm - 6.30 pm

Ticket Cost: TBC

Your ticket includes food, beverages, entertainment and buses to and from the venue. View bus times here.

Location: Tatyoon district

Dresscode: Cocktail


Is your business or organisation looking for funding opportunities? MITY is keen to work with like-minded organisations with incentives to strengthen the health and well-being of farmers and their farming communities.

Please note, this form is for funding-related enquires only. All general enquiries can be sent to mitycommittee@gmail.com, we’ll do our best to get back to you as soon as we can.

Our Sponsors


We are thrilled to have CHS Broadbent on board once again as our Platinum Sponsor. CHS Broadbent has supported MITY from the beginning, we are immensely grateful for their wonderful support over the years.




Become a MITY sponsor.

The opportunity to become a MITY Gold, Silver and Bronze sponsor is currently open.

Without our wonderful sponsors, MITY wouldn't be able to give back to the farming community the way we do. The opportunity to become a MITY Gold, Silver and Bronze sponsor is currently open.

If you’re interested in becoming a sponsor for Mellow in the Yellow, please reach out by emailing mitycommittee@gmail.com


Yay, so thrilled you’re keen. This link will work when tickets are on sale in August.

Can’t wait!